I am struggling with lidar. In case you have never seen this word, it is a laser light exploration of the ground beneath our feet. The process can show up ground features we simply cannot see on [...]
I love worms! A hate killing (earth)worms when I am gardening. I even stop on runs or walks to pick one off the path and put it on the verge. If this seems an odd subject then bear in mind that [...]
It was Christmas Day and my mind was full of dead people. I woke up thinking of the lost. Those people I might have telephoned or sent a letter wishing them well at the end of another year. [...]
I love language and words. Reading an item about author Daisy Goodwin, she said her daughter told her, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” That related to her rather ample bosom, [...]
Exercise is medicine and is also therapy. Exercise is also rare, rarer than hen’s teeth, especially if you are over 10 years of age! The exercise is medicine reference arose when I joined a [...]