The re-run of Civilisation on television has ended and I am sad. What an amazing personal view it proved to be. Also, what chance that anybody will be given such an opportunity today. When [...]
Ann and I are trying to break the mould. It’s that one where you are aware of many interesting places in the vicinity but you don’t visit them. So, off we doddle to a U3A visit to a [...]
I miss the peasants. Don’t define the word as demeaning a person. A peasant is somebody who was tied to the land, often too little land. They had no chance of ever improving their [...]
I have finished my excursion with the Romans. Am I Romanised or still a Briton? Hard to say, it’s a choice between tribal violence and slavery or silver coins and bathrooms and slavery. In [...]
I am struggling with lidar. In case you have never seen this word, it is a laser light exploration of the ground beneath our feet. The process can show up ground features we simply cannot see on [...]
I love hillforts! On my recent trip to North Wales, this fort was on my agenda. It is no easy trip. You drive to Llithfaen on the Llyn Penisula, turn west in the village and climb to a free car [...]
Ann and I run everywhere, well almost. We do paths because they are there. Over time we do paths to link up routes we have already done. In time, we create a spiders web of known paths over [...]
There is not a lot that intimidates the mature me. However, as I grow old my mind constantly challenges my body. I accept that I must be less physically capable each and every day with 77 years [...]
Enigma abounds in this amazing country of ours. It often arises as something done by people in the past, and yet we don’t know why or when. Stonehenge might be the greatest enigma but what [...]
I heard a very sad story the other day. Firstly, a young, enthusiastic teacher returned to school after the holidays. Secondly, she anticipated that the young children would be full of stories [...]