I love my garden. It is a place of boundless surprises. A plant comes into flower that you did not expect and brings joy. However, I tend to be bouncing around the plot doing this and doing that. [...]
It is late July in the Peak District and a pastel blue haze is everywhere. No, it’s not the blue sky but a wildflower growing along the verges and on wilder areas. What a show it is, more [...]
Global warming and sport do not appear bedfellows. However, just looking at the recent Euro’s the sheer number of people travelling to watch football is mindnumbing. Yes, I understand the [...]
I am fresh from a visit to a local farm that manages some of the finest hay meadow in Britain. Consequently, the farm has a long history of small scale farming and rearing cattle on native hay [...]
Help, somebody is walking all over my grave! If that sounds odd, read on. I write articles for Journals, one online, related to the cemetery world. A recent one that was published was followed by [...]
Herb Paris qualifies as a very strange plant. The latin name of Paris quadrifolia highlights its rather strange leaf formation. I believe it to be very poisionous but I have not tested it. Google [...]
I love worms! A hate killing (earth)worms when I am gardening. I even stop on runs or walks to pick one off the path and put it on the verge. If this seems an odd subject then bear in mind that [...]
I’m supercharged! We fitted three more batteries and pushed our capacity to over 14 kilowatt hours. That is more than we use each day, especially when our solar panels are producing. They [...]
My neighbour walked by with his little daughter. She wanted to be lifted to look over the wall at my flowers. He told me she is suddenly infatuated with flowers. I picked a flower stem off a [...]
Is cremation environmental hints at the answer, no, it is not? All forms of incineration create gasses that pollute the air. They also release carbon into the atmosphere. What a scenario, to use [...]