David Mellor Design
Ann and I are trying to break the mould. It’s that one where you are aware of many interesting places in the vicinity but you don’t visit them. So, off we doddle to a U3A visit to a local cutlery factory. We went early in order to have a meal at the on-site cafe. Our Palestinian chicken and polenta was a revelation, much better than the typically boring pub menu. It was also a damn good coffee. Outside, lots a people assembled for the factory visit we were booked into later. They were not the usual Peak District crowd, clad in anoraks and boots and pulled along by a collie. These were metropolitans, city folk. However, they had heard of David Mellor Design, and were here to look it over.
The Design element
I had noticed traffic lights inside the building and a bus shelter outside. There was no access for buses. There was an oblong post box, a very neat waste bin and a street light, all classic street furniture. We joined our tour at 3pm and the guide was passionate about Davd Mellor and his design skills. Rather than just a cutlery designer and manufacturer, he had designed all this street furniture. It immediately struck me that this was a rare skill, this ability to design and build with function in mind. Consequently, the tour of the factory, a neat, famous, round building, was a joy. Who could imagine how long it could take to manufacture a stainless steel fork? A thing of beauty and function.
David Mellor Design
We looked around the shop afterwards, all impressive cutlery and other kitchen products. We actually bought something as well. That reflects the fact that we have agreed to stop buying stuff overall, that we pensioners need to cut back possessions. Overall, this was an impressive visit, everything at this factory is quality, even down to the decent car park, no holes, no puddles, no mud, everything tidy. I came away full of admiration for David Mellor, who died some years ago. He was a star and left us this factory legacy and much else besides. We all need to get out and appreciate what such people achieved.