Cruising And Flying Is Doomed
As a shielded, old person holding society to ransom and ruining life for young people, my holiday experiences over 50 years comes to the fore. Before I start proselytizing, let me make an apology. Yes, I have flown all over the world and taken cruises. This pot is not calling the kettle black. My carbon footprint extends all over the skies. Holidays have been a joy and I saw them as essential to my well-being. But, now aged and with Covid-19 in the wings, I wonder if cruising and flying is doomed.
Cruising through life
Although Ann and I have felt well on cruises, the incidence of norovirus has troubled me. I have met elderly people who have become unwell on a cruise and never recovered. It appears to be getting worse as cruise ships have become bigger and the reduced prices have made it more enticing. All this, of course, is based on using low paid crew, with poor working conditions, from third world countries. They are reliant on gratuities to create a living wage. In other words, our enjoyment was based on Victorian employment standards. Added to this is appalling environmental impact of cruise ship’s. We are shocked now, ashamed even, at our lack of awareness.
Flying footprint
Our first flight was to Majorca in 1973. It was a status thing. We flew because we could. The package holiday industry was new and exiting. Spain was exotic then. Now, long haul flights and day trips have shrunk the world. But, Venice doesn’t want day trippers. Also, stop and dwell for a minute on those planes. The airlines swear that the cabin and the air is clean, so why do I catch an infection after every flight? Is it because I use the toilet seconds after somebody else. Or is it all the fittings, handled thousands of times an hour. Also, the airport where you cannot find a seat; toilets and passengers are dirty. Is this really leisure?
Cruising and flying is doomed
Zuri, who was born, lived and died on the River Avon, knew a different life. Her horizons were little further than she could actually see. Indeed, Ann and I knew that life as impoverished youngsters. The day trip to Rhyl, 60 miles away, was the highlight of the year. That was similar to Zuri’s highlight, a trip to the wonder of the world, her world, the thirty miles to Stonehenge.
Back to the future
Will life have to return to the 50’s and 60’s? Perhaps our depressed seaside resorts, like Rhyl, can become our new go to places. At least then our money will stay in Britain. For certain, I can deny Branson, British Airways and Carnival my money. These people and firms are, let’s face it, rapacious, unforgiving employers who also put money before our health, and the environment. We can, and should put back the balance that existed before we all became enraptured by travel. Just like us, Covid-19 cruised and flew all around the world.